Sugar Candy Rice - Preparation Method

. 1 min read

Sugar Candy Rice Recipe Preparation Method

Sugar Candy Rice

Sugar Candy Rice a lunch box recipe which can be prepared in quick simple steps.


Basmati Rice                       – 250 grams

Sugar candy                        – 200 grams

Milk                                       – 50 ml

Cashew nut                        – 10

Kismis                                   – 5

Elaichi                                    – 2

Ghee                                     – as required


Add two bowls of water with one bowl basmati rice and boil it well. Add ghee in pan put cashew nut and kismis and roast it. Add sugar candy, roasted cashew nut and kismis, milk with the hot rice and stir gently upto sugar candy gets melted and mixed with rice. Finally add ghee and elaichi powder with the rice and serve.