Mushroom Rice Recipe Preparation Method

- Basmati Rice – 200 grams
- Mushroom – 100 grams
- Cinnamon – 2 small pieces
- Fennel seed – 1 teaspoon
- Cloves, cardamom – 3
- Brinji leaves – 2
- Cumin seeds – 1 teaspoon
- Garlic – 6 pieces
- Ginger – as required
- Onion, tomato – 1
- Green chilli – 3
- Garam masala – 1 spoon
- Ghee – as required
- Salt – as required
- Wash Basmati Rice two times. Dip Rice in water for some time.
- Wash mushroom and cut it as small pieces. Chop 3 garlic and onion.
- Suppress one garlic with ginger. Heat the ghee then put cinnamon, fennel seed, cloves, cardamom, Brinji leaves, suppressed ginger and garlic, chopped onion, garlic, green chilli, mushroom and roast it well.
- After some time add chopped tomato’s and garam masala with it and stir well.
- Now take this mixture along with rice in cooker and boil then serve.