Coconut rice Recipe Preparation Method

Here is the one more method on coconut rice preparation, here we use the delicious Indian masala to add taste to coconut rice.
- Basmati rice – 250 grams
- Coconut – ½
- Cinnamon – small piece
- Fennel seed – 1 teaspoon
- Cloves – 3
- Cardamom – 4
- Brinji leaves – as required
- Cumin seeds – 1 teaspoon
- Garlic – 15 pieces
- Ginger – small piece
- Big onion – 1
- Green chilli – 3
- Ghee – 50 grams
- Tomato – 1
- Oil & salt – as required
Coconut Rice Preparation Method
- Scrap the coconut and grind it with out adding more water to make coconut milk. Make two cups of milk for one cup of rice.
- Then dip the rice in coconut milk upto 10 minutes.
- Chop the onions as small pieces.
- Combine 6 piece of garlic and ginger and suppress it.
- Put pan on stove add ghee and heat then add cinnamon, fennel seed, cloves, cardamom, brinji leaves, cumin seeds and roast it lightly.
- After few minutes add the suppressed ginger and garlic with that and roast well.
- Then add chopped tomato and green chilli and roast.
- Now add this mixture with the rice and boil it in pressure cooker.
- After boil add required ghee and serve.