CARAMEL CUSTARD Recipe Preparation Method

. 1 min read

CARAMEL CUSTARD Recipe Preparation Method


Milk                            200ml

Sugar                          60gms

Egg                             2no.s

Vanilla Essence       5ml


  • Cream the egg and sugar till the sugar dissolves.
  • Heat the sugar for caramelizing in a baking dish for few seconds over low heat, till it melts and gets burnt.
  • Pour the hot milk and crème well.
  • Strain the mixture add flavoring.
  • Turn the dish quickly and carefully to ensure that the caramel spreads equally over the bottom and sides of the dish, set aside.
  • Cover the mouth of the dish with butter paper and place it in the pressure cooker for about 10 minutes.
  • In a jelly mould add sugar heat till it reaches caramel stage.
  • Finally add the mixture and Bake at 300°F for  about 30 to 45 minutes
  • A chewy candy that can be soft or firm, made with butter, milk, and sugar
  • Sugar melted or dissolved in a small amount of water and heated until it turns golden or dark brown. Use: a flavoring and coloring.
  • A yellowish brown color