We as people are much more conservative in our lifestyle health.  Most of the time we are so very picky in terms of what we eat and the food that is not an ideal to eat everyday.  Some people take some diet to ensure healthy life, but rather in the long run sufferings of not eating food while dieting.  Well, if you want some information of what kind of food are the best to eat that surely you will gained good and healthy body and a sure full of food in your stomach without a result of a big fatty body. Below are the list of the top 10 healthiest food that you should eat in your daily diet bases.

10. Spinach

A family of Amaranthaceae, this edible plant name Spinach is our 10th of the list.  It grows of at least 30cm height and mostly grows and survives in a winter season places.  The nutrient content of the said edible plant are Iron rich, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, magnesium, betaine, vitamin A, folic acid, zinc, vitaminB2, potassium, protein, folate, omega-3 for fatty acid, selenium and most specially a high source of lutein that is good for the eyes, specifically pupil parts of the eyes.

9. Beans

In our 9th of the list is a seed that has a source of many nutrients, the Beans.  It mostly name by its common description name as the plants seeds.  The nutrient content of the said beans is rich in fiber, specifically a soluble fiber that penetrates the grinding parts of the stomach to ensure or help digesting food in the body.  It is also help cholesterol on our body to be lessen, specially for those who suffer hyper tension.  Plus, it has a protein rich vitamin, iron, folate and complex carbohydrates.

8. Leafy green vegetables

Another green plants sourcing good nutrients, the name is the leafy green veges.  It also called as the salad green and potherbs.  The said leafy green plants are the most ideal preventive cure for the person who has a diabetes, in which the dark leafy color green structure is full of nutrients, like protein, low fat, dietary fiber, vitamin C, lutein, magnesium, calcium, vitamin K, and a nitric oxide content.  All of this nutrients has the capacity of giving well vitamin to ensure good quality of living.

7. Sweet Potatoes

A Convolvulaceae family type is our 7th of the list, it categorizes in a dicotyledonous plants.  The name of it is the Sweet potatoes, a starchy root of a root veges.  With a starchy structure, this said potatoes is consist of many different kind of nutrient in its body; likely named as the complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, manganese, potassium, vitamin A, calcium, protein and iron.  This all nutrients help illuminates fatty issues in the body that cause fat to swell.  The said crop is the most known basic food for the people who emerge to a dietary system.

6. Oily fish

Another nutritious food in our 6th of the list is a fish with natural oil in its body content. The name of it is the Oily Fish, it categorizes with many different types of fish, like salmon, mackerel and sardines.  The said nutritious fish is rich in omega-3 that good in the heart and makes an illumination of fatty acids in the body, specially in the heart part structure.  It also help the nervous system in our body work rightly and smoothly and a giver of benefits for a patients that suffers arthritis.  With a vitamin A and D content of the oily fish, certainly it is a food from the sea that gives natural source of nutrients.

5. Nuts

Our 5th of the list is composed with a hard shell casing seed, its name is Nuts.  The ideal for food is the content inside the shell.  It usually open the shell before you get the real food to eat.  There are so many different kinds of nuts, like hazelnuts, chestnuts and the other one called acorns, but still the same nutrients within.  The content nutrients of the said seed fruit can prevent a person of suffering a coronary disease in the heart, mostly of the people who eat it regularly.  It also contains an omega-3 for fatty acid content in the body.

4. Avocados

A flowering plant is our next top listed for the 4th of the healthiest food.  The name of the said fruit is the Avocados, which is a family of Lauraceae.  The said native fruit tree is mostly grow in the climates of tropical places.  The content nutrient source of the avocado are the following; oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, saturated fat of 14%, folic acid, vitamin K, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, pantothenic acid and a zero cholesterol content, which all of this is an ideal drink for all ages.

3. Eggs

Another covered by shell is our 3rd of the list for the best nutritious food.  Its name is egg, a known food for mankind since in the stone ages.  The producers of the eggs are most likely by the birds, chicken, ducks, reptiles, amphibians and fish.  The content source of nutrient of the said top 3 food of our list are protein, rich in amino acids, retino, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E; all these nutrients help the brain to effectively function and developing its brains structure.

2. Broccoli

In our 2nd of the top for the most nutritious food is an edible plant named Broccoli.  It has a large head flower on the top which sourcing all the nutrients of its structure. The origin of the said edible plants is in the place of Italy and it was been a result of a breeding leafy crops that was started in the place of Rome.  The said nutritious plants also called the claimed name as the most unique and valuable food.  The content nutrient source of this plant are vitamin C, dietary fiber for a cancer patients, selenium, vitamin C, glucoraphanin, indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane.

1. Berries

A botanical fruit is our 1st of the list as the healthiest food of all time.  The name of it is the Berries, a fruit that comes from a common botanical plants.  One of the examples of a berry is grape fruits.  The nutrient content of all berry type are rich in antioxidants which helps regenerate cell tissues and phytonutrients.  Berry are also known of its anti aging content, which repairs all aging in the skin.  It also helps lowering blood pressures, memory preserve functionality, and is particular for body weight loses.  With its  claimed and studied nutrient content, no wonder why it is the best healthiest food the people eat.