Top 10 Best Novels for Graduates

It is very well said that Books are the Man’s best friends. Most of the times, you learn good things from books. Apart from being a good source of entertainment in leisure, books are a very good medium of stuffing good things inside you. No matter you are a student or a parent, you should adopt book reading as your hobby. After all, spending a few hours in reading a positive themed novel is much better than burying yourself in your never-ending fantasy lands of tensions and worries. Empty mind is the devil’s house! You all might have heard this saying. It is true from all the aspects. Whenever we sit idle, we normally devote a valuable time of our life to think about worthless tensions that are no way around. Therefore, instead of growing up as a negative minded person, stuff good things in you. These will make you a sensible human being and a good individual.

Here, in this particular article, we have listed top 10 best novels that are a must read for graduates. If you are one out of those, then have a look at the following countdown. Buying any one, two or all these novels will help you grow positively.

10. The Last Lecture – Randy Pausch

The Last Lecture is the New York Times’ best-selling book that was written on September 18, 2007 by a Carnegie Mellon University’s (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) Computer Science Professor named Randy Pausch. This particular novel is based on the lecture (Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams) that Pausch delivered during 2007. The story is based on the lessons that the author learned from his dying college Professor.

9. Einstein’s Dreams – Alan Lightman

Einstein’s Dreams is an International best-seller that has been translated in thirty different languages. The story is based on Albert Einstein’s experiences that he went through during his works on Theory of Relativity during 1905. The book consists of thirty chapters that are based on 30 variable dreams that Einstein had and the way he achieved those. Another important character in the story is Michele Besso, who is Einstein’s friend.

8. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed – Jared Diamond

Jared Diamond, Geography and Physiology Professor in University of California, Los Angeles is the writer of this novel. He wrote this book in 2005. In this novel, Jared has brought forward the thought that people should learn from the history. There are a few warning signs of the History that can be seen in the modern society, but we usually ignore those. To know more about what they are and how to understand them, you will have to buy this book.

7. The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future – Chris Guillebeau

In this book, Chris Guillebeau has shown to the world that how one can lead a life full of adventure, purpose and meaning. The main motive is to motivate the people to earn a good living. While preparing to write this book, Chris identified 1500 people who have built business of more than $50,000 from the initial investment of just $100 or less. Later on, he narrowed his selection (to just 50 individuals) and developed their life history as a full-fledged case study. Lessons and the ideals of these self-made people are the basic ideas of ‘The $100 Startup’.

6. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ – Daniel Goleman

We all know that high IQ does not guarantee success, virtue and happiness. In fact, the correct combination of IQ and Emotional Intelligence is needed to achieve something BIG. Same theme has motivated Daniel Goleman to write this book. In it, Daniel shows that how our “two minds,” i.e. the practical and the emotional one, help us shape our destiny.

5. Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! – Anthony Robbins

This novel is the step-by-step manual that tells the readers that how they can master their emotions, body, relationships, life and finances. We all know that perfect balance of everything is important to lead a happy and long life. If you feel that you are compromising a lot and are facing a lot of problems in balancing your life, then this particular book can be your guide for self-mastering your own self.

4. Chicken Soup for the College Soul: Inspiring and Humorous Stories about College – Jack Canfield

This book is a collection of stories that are greatly helpful for college going youngsters. If you are a college going student or are already going to the college, then this particular book can help you in making your college journey easier. Reviews for this book show that this novel is a great savior for young students, who are just to step into their college life.

3. Start Something That Matters – Blake Mycoskie

If you a person that does Charity and wants to start his or her own non-profit business in the near future, then “Start Something That Matters” is the right book for you. It is the number 1 New York Times best-seller. Through this book, you can learn how some of the best Charity programs started. Overall, it is a book that was created to help launch the social entrepreneurs.

2. The Art of Happiness – Dalai Lama XIV

Number Two position is the list of top 10 best novels for Graduate students is held by “The Art of Happiness” written by Dalai Lama XIV. Through this book, Dalai Lama tells that how one can delete day-to-day anxiety, anger, insecurity and discouragement. Everything that he teaches through this book is showcased in the form of mediation, stories and his conversation with others.

1. The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality – Michael Talbot

Top position in the countdown is held by “The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality” written by Michael Talbot. This book explains the paranormal powers of human mind and the unsolved riddles of the mind and the body.