Are you a fanatic fan of a baseball game series? Is the New York Yankees are your favorite team? Well, you’ll surely knew “Mariano Rivera” from the New York Yankees team, he is the pitcher of their team the New York Yankees.  Being the best player for baseball all round series, Mariano have never been lost in terms of rewards.  One of the recent awards that he receive is the All Star Game MVP Award, where the committee claimed that Rivera is the Most Valuable Player in 2013 baseball series.  But wait, there’s more.  Below are the some of the many awards Rivera received in every game season.

10. All-Star Game MVP Award – Once

The current title holder who won this said award is Mariano Rivera from the New York Yankees team, where he won the title as the Most Valuable Player of the playing season in baseball in the current year (2013).  The award is an annual price that was given to the most outstanding player in every year. This award was originated by the title of Arch Ward, it’s a commissioner’s trophy.

9. American League Championship Series MVP Award – Once

Our 9th honor and awards list that Rivera’s’ received in the American League Championship Series MVP Award.  This kind of game series is set of about the Best of seven playoffs formatting, where the competitive team players will fight to the next level.  Surprisingly, the New York Yankees team have got a place to play and has been categories for the next level of game.  That is why Mariano, in theend of the game, won the title.

8. Delivery Man of the Month Award – 2 times

Before the committee of the MLB announces Mariano Rivera as the Delivery Man of the year, He received an honor and award as the Month’s Best Delivery Man of the game series, where he was chosen as the best pitcher who relief in the said game series.  It started with 10 finalist and come up to the best player of the season.  The voting system is thru online votes, where fans has the opportunity to vote who they like to win.

7. Delivery Man of the Year Award – 3 times

As a good pitcher of a baseball game, The MLB (Major League Baseball) announced its winner of the title named “Delivery Man of the Year Award” to Mariano Rivera, one of the best pitcher of New York Yankees.  Being the best pitcher of every season, Mariano Rivera consistently own the title for a 3 consecutive year.  The award has been created as a part of the agreement in terms of sponsorship.

6. American League Player of the Week – 3 times

This awards is given each week in a regular season.  The competitor of the said award is from the American and National league, in which they are the primary players of the game series.  Mariano Rivera also takes this title as the American Man of the Year Award, with a consecutive claims in every season.

5. This Year in Baseball’s closer of the year Award – 4 times

 Initiated in 2002, This Year in Baseball’s closer of the year Award have started giving an award for the most extraordinary player of the season.  One of the winner is Mariano Rivera, in which he makes so many extraordinary play in the said game series.  The honors and awards Is not only for the players but also to the managers and executives of every team joined the playoff.  The system of voting is depending of the audiences and fan votes, the way of voting is thru online voting.

 4. American League Rolaids Relief Man Award – 4 times

Another prestigious award in the series and field in baseball game is the Rolaids Relief Man Award.  This awarding system is the one of the annual awards in Major League Baseball and this award is goes to the top pitcher who make relief after the starting pitcher is moved.  One of the best winner who consistently gained the said award is none other than ‘Mariano Rivera’, who have won this title for four times every play.

 3. World Series Champion – 5 times

 Mariano Rivera got this title for more than 5 times every league series, not just him but also the team where he played as a pitcher.  In the said claims, their team have won the title as the Best-of Seven Playoff’s that is usually a category for the said award.  The team of the New York Yankees have played this World Series for more than 40 times.

2. Sporting News Reliever of the Year Award – 6 times

 The 2nd of the most honors and awards Mariano Rivera have received is the Sporting News Reliever of the year Award.  Where he won the said title awards for more than 6 times in every series of game.  This annual award has creative to give an appreciation for the best pitcher reliever in the Major League Baseball.  This award started and was established in the year 1960.

1. American League All-Star – 13 times

 The American League All Star is the one of the most given awards in the baseball game series.  It also known to the name of Midsummer Classic, in which it is an annual game series in the field of baseball.  The competitors that mostly joined this kind of game are from the players of the National League and American League.  The said game series is also the one of the many awards Mariano Rivera have received in his whole career, he won the title 13 times in every season.