Oyster sauce chicken Recipe Preparation Method

Oyster sauce chicken Recipe Preparation Method


  • Chicken : 1/2 kg
  • Ginger-garlic paste : 2 table spoon
  • Corn flour : 2 table spoon
  • Soya sauce : 2 tea spoon
  • Pepper powder : 1 tea spoon
  • Oyster sauce : 1 table spoon

To make gravy:

  • Oil : to fry
  • Capsicum :1
  • Green chilly :4(sliced in two)
  • Garlic :4 cloves
  • Spring onion :3
  • Shallot :4
  • Oyster sauce :2 tea spoon
  • Corn flour :1 table spoon

Preparation Procedure:

  1. Clean chicken, slice in 2 cm size. Add chicken, ginger-garlic paste, corn flour, soya sauce, oyster sauce, pepper powder and leave for 20 min.
  2. Add chopped chicken pieces in heated oil and fry in light flame.
  3. Heat oil in pan then add garlic paste, onion, chilly, chopped square shaped capsicum and saute.
  4. Add oyster sauce and saute. Add fried chicken pieces and saute, then add 1 inch sliced spring onion and saute,.
  5. Add dissolved corn flour in ¼ cup and saute. Boil for 1 minute and down grade.