DANISH PASTRY Recipe Preparation Method
DANISH PASTRY Recipe Preparation Method
Ingredients quantity
- Flour 500g
- Sugar 100g
- Yeast 15g
- Egg 2nos.
- Salt 5g
- Fat 200g
- Water 125ml
- Milk POW 20g
Preparation Method for Danish Pastry :
- Prepare dough with yeast, salt ,water, sugar, milk powder, egg , flour and 10g at fat
- Allow to ferments for about 30 minutes
- Divide and fold into equal position
- Roll the dough even the and applied pastry fat.
- Proceed as for puff pastry.
- Role the pastry for above 5 minutes thickness and cut shapes like wind, mill, cushions etc.
- Bake at 375°F for above 25 to 30 minutes