Difference Between Rucksack Backpack and Knapsack

You get to choose from a variety of different types of backpacks in the market. You can pick Knapsack, Packsack and Haversack. If you’re in Germany, ask for Rucksack. Rucksack is a large square backpack used for camping, hiking and trekking gear.

Backpack is flung over the shoulders and the weight is evenly distributed on the back at the hips. This leaves your hands free to perform other tasks as you make your way to the destination.

You need to curl up with a book at the park, take pictures with the camera or jot down reflections of your life in the notepad. All these items fit in the back pack with room to spare. Backpack is made of clothe or canvas material. The bag has two straps to secure the load over the shoulders and one to wrap around midsection of the body to hold the load steady on the move.

Knapsack is smaller than backpack rucksack and knapsack. It is used for carrying essential items for day hikes and treks.

Haversack has only one shoulder strap. You sling the bag over one shoulder. Haversack traces its origin from use by military personnel to carry light weight loads such as bread separately from other items