Difference Between Rubbed Vs Ground Sage

A mechanic needs handy tool box to get the job done. The tools must meet required standards to work on different cars. Electronic hobbyist and service technician needs a bench power supply variable and capable of delivering enough current to carry normal load. In cookery you need ingredients in the right proportions to whip up mouth watering dish.

The small details that make your chicken tasty have a nasty way of catching you out. But there are ways of dealing with them. You can use rubbed or ground sage to get the job done with finesse. You can try out one first then the other to identify which of the two makes your guests licking their fingers. What is the difference?

Ground sage has been pounded in powder form. You rub the leaf of dried sage onto the chicken body to get the aromatic tasty smell. You can buy ground or rubbed sage in the form of dry leaf from food stores.

Take a dash of imagination. Add to it a good measure of generosity with overflowing cup of thoughtfulness to blend ingredients. Throw into the mix ground or rubbed sage to come up with chicken dish that gets guest tongues wagging.